Fitness Background: My fitness journey really began years ago doing home workouts on my phone. I was too intimidated to try a group workout class for the longest time. When I moved to Seattle 4 and a half years ago, I was looking for ways to meet people with common interests so I took my first Lagree class at Inspire. I walked away from that first class out of breath, proud of myself, and so excited to try it again. Over the next two years, I began to love Lagree for not only the strength workout, but what it was teaching me about myself. We can really challenge ourselves here at Inspire! After over two years of consistent classes, I took the plunge to become an instructor myself!
Why I love what I do: Lagree has pushed me out of my comfort zone and has allowed me to connect so much more strongly to my community, literally and figuratively! The community surrounding Lagree has been my favorite part about teaching. I love that Lagree is adaptable and challenging at any stage in our fitness journey. Lagree has the ability to push us in a high intensity workout, while reminding us to slow down for 40 minutes out of the day and really put ourselves first. Teaching has been one of the things I look forward to the most each week!
Values: honesty, hard work, kindness